I'm running a bash script from CloudBuild. The bash script is gonna export DNS record to a file.
gcloud dns record-sets export zonedump-$i.tmp --zone-file-format --project $projectname --zone=$i
The serviceaccount of cloudbuild has roles/dns.reader
I get this error when I run cloudbuild:
ERROR: (gcloud.dns.record-sets.export) HTTPError 403: Forbidden
Finished Step #3
ERROR: build step 3 "gcr.io/google.com/cloudsdktool/cloud-sdk" failed: step exited with non-zero status: 1
- name: 'bash'
args: ['echo', 'Backing up DNS zone to Storage!']
- name: 'bash'
args: ['ls']
- name: 'bash'
args: ['chmod', '+x', 'scripts/dnszone_backup.bash']
- name: 'gcr.io/google.com/cloudsdktool/cloud-sdk'
entrypoint: "bash"
- "-c"
- |
echo "calling script"
ls -la
gcloud version
I would appreciate if someone can help me with this.
I needed to activate "Cloud Build API".
I found it by testing it via gcloud dns record-sets list
and got a clear error message for activating this API.