
How to query the Account Balance of Alice in a substrate node?

Using the polkadot UI, I can see the account Balances of Alice, Bob, displayed in the Accounts tab.

Using Developer> ChainState, I can query the storage on ("Balances" "TotalIssuance"), but there seems to be no content in ("Balances", "Account", alice_account_id) I'm using substrate branch = "polkadot-v0.9.24"

Alternative, I can get the "Balance", "TotalIssuance" using connected locally via browser extension.

enter image description here

So, where is the total balance of accounts like Alice stored if not in ("Balances", "Account")?


  • It's actually stored in the Storage map ("System", "Account", <alice_account_id>).

    AccountInfoGen {
                nonce: 3,
                consumers: 0,
                providers: 1,
                sufficients: 0,
                data: AccountDataGen {
                    free: 1142921504349461553,
                    reserved: 0,
                    misc_frozen: 0,
                    fee_frozen: 0,