I need to write the repeating structure data into named lists. The name of the list needs to be determined in the variable i. I have the following input data:
Nome | Local | Hora |
Thiago | Cantina | 08:01 |
Ana | Cantina | 08:05 |
Thiago | Cantina | 08:10 |
Thiago | Sala01 | 08:50 |
Jose | Sala01 | 09:03 |
Thiago | Sala01 | 09:30 |
Jose | Sala01 | 09:45 |
Jose | Cantina | 09:49 |
Ana | Biblioteca | 11:07 |
list_entry=[['Thiago', 'Cantina', '08:01:00'], ['Ana', 'Cantina', '08:05:00'], ['Thiago', 'Cantina', '08:10:00'], ['Thiago', 'Sala01', '08:50:00'], ['Jose', 'Sala01','09:03:00'], ['Thiago', 'Sala01', '09:30:00'], ['Jose', 'Sala01', '09:45:00'], ['Jose', 'Cantina', '09:49:00'], ['Ana', 'Biblioteca', '11:07:00']]
while i <= 4:#repeticacao1
inicio, fim = intervalo[i] #interval is a dictionary with time period every 1 hour
#The data of the block below must be written in a list with the name list1. After exiting While(#repeticacao2) and the i is incremented, the data must be written to a list named list2 and so on.
while y < 6: #repeticacao2 - Stop condition is <6 due to the number of input registers
registro2 = df_registro['Hora'].dt.time[y]
if inicio <= registro2 < fim: # checks if time is between the start and end of the range
print(f'O registro esta dentro do intervalo {inicio:%H:%M} às {fim:%H:%M}')
#Create a list with Name and Location datal
y += 1
i += 1
[['Thiago', 'Cantina'], ['Ana', 'Cantina'], ['Thiago', 'Cantina'], ['Thiago', 'Sala01'], ['Jose', 'Sala01'], ['Thiago', 'Sala01'], ['Jose', 'Sala01'], ['Jose', 'Cantina'], ['Ana', 'Biblioteca']]
The result is a list of all records. However, in this way, the time intervals are being mixed.
The expected result would be for separate time intervals. Thus:
list1 = [['Thiago', 'Cantina'], ['Ana', 'Cantina'], ['Thiago', 'Cantina'], ['Thiago', 'Sala01']]
list2 = [['Jose', 'Sala01'], ['Thiago', 'Sala01'], ['Jose', 'Sala01'], ['Jose', 'Cantina']]
list3 = []
list4 = ['Ana', 'Biblioteca']
I tried to create the list with list[i] and then with list[i].append but it doesn't work. How could it be done?
df["Hora"] = pd.to_datetime(df["Hora"])
d = df.set_index('Hora').resample('1H', label='right').sum() #Inorder to get the Hourly index including 10 o'clock
#Here I am separating the sum string by capital latter and converting them
#into list by using .split()
import re
d['Nome'] = d['Nome'].apply(lambda x: re.sub(r"\B([A-Z])", r" \1", str(x)))
d['Local'] = d['Local'].apply(lambda x: re.sub(r"\B([A-Z])", r" \1", str(x)))
#lastly zipping both column list values and define a new column
d['List'] = d.apply(lambda x: [list(a) for a in zip(x.Nome.split(' '), x.Local.split(' '))], axis=1)
d['List'][0] #Lets say the List1
[['Thiago', 'Cantina'],
['Ana', 'Cantina'],
['Thiago', 'Cantina'],
['Thiago', 'Sala01']]
And to get all list into one:
[[y for y in x if '0' not in y] for x in list(d.List)] #Here Looping just to avoid '0' at 10 o'clock
[[['Thiago', 'Cantina'],
['Ana', 'Cantina'],
['Thiago', 'Cantina'],
['Thiago', 'Sala01']],
[['Jose', 'Sala01'],
['Thiago', 'Sala01'],
['Jose', 'Sala01'],
['Jose', 'Cantina']],
[['Ana', 'Biblioteca']]]
In order to lowercase the all list element:
Option 1: by add lambda function
[[list((map(lambda x: x.lower(), y))) for y in x if '0' not in y] for x in list(d.List)]
Option 2: by for loop
[[[x.lower() for x in y] for y in x if '0' not in y] for x in list(d.List)]
[[['thiago', 'cantina'],
['ana', 'cantina'],
['thiago', 'cantina'],
['thiago', 'sala01']],
[['jose', 'sala01'],
['thiago', 'sala01'],
['jose', 'sala01'],
['jose', 'cantina']],
[['ana', 'biblioteca']]]