
Laravel Vapor error: "You have reached your network limit for this region."

After connecting my Vapor account to AWS via the IAM role, when I try to create a new Vapor project using the Web UI, I get the following error: You have reached your network limit for this region.

I have no idea if this is purely a Vapor problem or something I need to fix over at AWS since I don't really know about any limits on AWS. BTW I do have other Vapor projects using other AWS accounts on this Vapor account.


  • AWS has a VPC limit which is a maximum of 5 VPCs per region by default. AWS does allow us to request an increase in the limit.

    I had already hit the limit before trying to create a new Vapor project since Vapor does create a VPC for itself. So I deleted the other VPCs that I wasn't using (except the default VPC) and Vapor worked.