I've found documentation and experimented with python-rope to rename a module in Python. However, when it comes to renaming the whole package, there doesn't seem to be documentation available. Do we grab the package's __init__
file as the resource?
I'd like to change the following structure:
-- __init__.py
-- some_module_a.py
-- some_module_b.py
-- __init__.py
-- some_module_a.py
-- some_module_b.py
There are a lot of references to this package all across my codebase, so some automatic refactoring could be extremely valuable. It's not complex in theory right? So I assume rope can definitely do this?
p.s. I'm using Sublime Text's PyRefactor.
Rope can do this using rename function. Yes, you can select either the package's folder or the __init__.py
file as the resource.
If you need some example of how this is done, I recommend looking at rope's test suite:
def test_renaming_packages(self):
pkg = testutils.create_package(self.project, "pkg")
mod1 = testutils.create_module(self.project, "mod1", pkg)
def a_func():
mod2 = testutils.create_module(self.project, "mod2", pkg)
mod2.write("from pkg.mod1 import a_func\n")
self._rename(mod2, 6, "newpkg")
self.assertTrue(self.project.find_module("newpkg.mod1") is not None)
new_mod2 = self.project.find_module("newpkg.mod2")
self.assertEqual("from newpkg.mod1 import a_func\n", new_mod2.read())