I am new to Symfony and jwt Authentication.
I tried to set up an access to api platform resources with a jwt token.
I followed the doc https://symfony.com/bundles/LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle/current/index.html to set up the token.
My problem comes after the token generation, on PostMan I add the generated token in Authorization -> Type : Bearer Token -> Token: the token, and when I make the request I get a return:
"code": 401,
"message": "Invalid JWT Token"
Token generation:
Token info:
Request get/Users:
Thanks in advance for your help
I found the problem
To connect I use the email field, while LexitJWT uses the username. I don't know why it doesn't block me from generating the token. To fix the problem just go to the config/packages/lexik_jwt_authentication.yaml file and add user_identity_field: email