I have the following DataFrame, output_excel
, containing inventory data and sales data for different products. See the DataFrame below:
Product 2022-04-01 2022-05-01 2022-06-01 2022-07-01 2022-08-01 2022-09-01 AvgMonthlySales Current Inventory
1 BE37908 1500 1400 1200 1134 1110 1004 150.208333 1500
2 BE37907 2000 1800 1800 1540 1300 1038 189.562500 2000
3 DE37907 5467 5355 5138 4926 4735 4734 114.729167 5467
Please note that that in my example, today's date is 2022-04-01, so all inventory numbers for the months May through September are predicted values, while the AvgMonthlySales are the mean of actual, past sales for that specific product. The current inventory just displays today's value.
I also have another dataframe, df2
, containing the lead time, the same sales data, and the calculated security stock for the same products. The formula for the security stock is ((leadtime in weeks / 4) + 1) * AvgMonthlySales:
Product AvgMonthlySales Lead time in weeks Security Stock
1 BE37908 250.208333 16 1251.04166
2 BE37907 189.562500 24 1326.9375
3 DE37907 114.729167 10 401.552084
What I am trying to achieve:
I want to create a new dataframe, which tells me how many months are left until our inventory drops below the security stock. For example, for the first product, BE37908
, the security stock is ~1251 units, and by 2022-06-01 our inventory will drop below that number. So I want to return 2022-05-01, as this is the last month where our inventories are projected to be above the security stock. The whole output should look something like this:
Product Last Date Above Security Stock
1 BE37908 2022-05-01
2 BE37907 2022-07-01
3 DE37907 NaN
Please also note that the timeframe for the projections (the columns) can be set by the user, so we couldn't just select columns 2 through 7. However, the Product column will always be the first one, and the AvgMonthlySales and the Current Inventory columns will always be the last two.
To recap, I want to return the column with the smallest value above the security stock for each product. I have an idea on how to do that by column using argsort
, but not by row. What is the best way to achieve this? Any tips?
You could try as follows:
# create list with columns with dates
cols = [col for col in df.columns if col.startswith('20')]
# select cols, apply df.gt row-wise, sum and subtract 1
idx = df.loc[:,cols].gt(df2['Security Stock'], axis=0).sum(axis=1).sub(1)
# get the correct dates from the cols
# if the value == len(cols)-1, *all* values will have been greater so: np.nan
idx = [cols[i] if i != len(cols)-1 else np.nan for i in idx]
out = df['Product'].to_frame()
out['Last Date Above Security Stock'] = idx
Product Last Date Above Security Stock
1 BE37908 2022-05-01
2 BE37907 2022-07-01
3 DE37907 NaN