I'm currently developing a simple static web page with only HTML.
I'm using <a>
tags with href
to links to different pages and the VS code live server used to work. When I inserted a link such as page1.html it would send the browser to this page.
But I prefer to have just the page without the .html.
When I remove the .html from the link the live server gives an error:
Cannot GET /page1
But when I deploy my site on Netlify it does, however, find the page, but this breaks the development process for me.
How can I fix the live server so it also gets sent to the correct page?
This is a common server behaviour. The server tries to find a file or folder name page1
but doesn't find it. Nothing wrong with live server. I guess Netlify is the one doing extra magic.
However if you want to remove the .html in page1 you could create a folder name page1 and put inside a index.html with the content. This way the server will find the folder named page1 and return the index.html. This will also work with live server and any standard server.