Everytime I run my DUnitX project, it's ran all tests. Is their a simple way to make it run only one test (The test I m working on for example)? Is it possible specify the test to run in the command line?
I haven't used the options yet but it appears that it has command line options to run one test or multiple tests, or use a file to hold the tests to run.
All available options:
--options:value or -opt:value - Options File
--hidebanner or -b - Hide the License Banner
--xmlfile:value or -xml:value - XML output file path
--runlist:value or -rl:value - Specify the name of a file which lists the tests to run
--run:value or -r:value - Specify the tests to run, separate by commas
--include:value or -i:value - Specify the categories to include
--exclude:value or -e:value - Specify the categories to exclude
--dontshowignored or -dsi - Don't show ignored tests
--loglevel:value or -l:value - Logging Level - Information, Warning, Error
--exitbehavior:value or -exit:value - Exit behavior - Continue, Pause
--h or -? - Show Usage