I have one data below
df<-structure(list(SEASON = c("Low D", "Low D", "Low D", "Low D", "Low D", "Low D", "Low D", "Low D", "Low D", "Low D", "High D", "High D", "High D", "High D", "High D", "High D", "High D", "High D", "High D", "High D"), GENOTYPE = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J"), Y1 = c(16.95, 16.25, 16.1, 16.25, 17.25, 17.7, 15.75, 17.5, 16.9, 16.95, 15.95, 16.15, 15.4, 15.45, 16.5, 17, 15.8, 17.5, 16.55, 16.95), Y2 = c(36.325, 35.425, 38.175, 36.3, 35.225, 36, 35, 33.15, 34.975, 35.35, 29.55, 30.225, 33.35, 30.7, 30.35, 30.8, 31.95, 27.5, 30.075, 28.825), Y3 = c(242.475, 237.15, 234.307692307692, 243.75, 232.575, 257.4, 223.875, 241.35, 235.65, 239.275, 163.85, 177.4, 158.675, 171.95, 161.625, 181.65, 173.175, 166.05, 174.717948717949, 178.875), Y4 = c(206.375, 206.525, 206.230769230769, 210.925, 201.7, 223.5, 199.725, 211.8, 206.525, 211.75, 141.175, 154.075, 142.575, 148.925, 140.675, 157.65, 155.475, 143.35, 153.230769230769, 155.575), Y5 = c(70.775, 71.225, 70.825, 73.1499999999999, 71.925, 71.25, 73.625, 70.8, 70.1, 72.225, 70.65, 71.7999999999999, 72.25, 71.5, 70.3, 71.5, 72.5, 69.65, 69.1750000000001, 72.75), Y6 = c(615.6, 575.5, 615.4, 589.9, 606.4, 636.6, 551.55, 579.5, 589.4, 598.7, 470.15, 488.8, 512.5, 474.1, 500.75, 524.7, 504.9, 484.1, 497.25, 489), Y7 = c(335.539195565588, 359.834917608241, 335.575951966647, 357.790692959951, 333.286528104675, 353.588506032236, 364.366872182404, 366.16286093936, 351.99769389574, 352.409644879114, 302.158050528416, 314.464169350194, 278.31031721728, 313.875605554085, 279.951178433919, 300.141203224282, 308.802753249051, 292.681876126123, 308.529108917156, 317.955004237038)), row.names = c(NA, -20L), class = "data.frame")
Now, I conduct Principle component analysis.
pca<- prcomp(df[, c(-1,-2)], scale = TRUE)
fviz_pca_biplot(pca, label = "var", col.var="Black",labelsize = 4,
arrowsize = 0.3, pointsize=2, repel = TRUE, habillage = df$SEASON,
addEllipses = TRUE, palette = c("grey25", "grey65")) +
labs(title="") +
scale_x_continuous(breaks= seq(-4,4,1), limits = c(-4,4)) +
theme_grey(base_size=16, base_family="serif")+
theme(axis.line= element_line(size=0.5, colour="black"),
axis.title.y= element_text (margin = margin(t=0, r=0, b=0, l=0)),
legend.position = c(0.9,0.1),
legend.title = element_blank(),
legend.key = element_rect(color = "white", fill = "white"),
legend.background= element_rect(fill= alpha("grey",.05)),
plot.margin= margin(-0.5,0.5,0,0.3,"cm"))+
windows(width=6, height=5.5)
This is a graph for PCA.
Now, I'd like to
Could you tell me how to do it?
Many thanks!!
To change the borderline of the ellipses, you could use ggplot_build
and change the linetype to "blank" like this:
p <- fviz_pca_biplot(pca, label = "var", col.var="Black",labelsize = 4,
arrowsize = 0.3, pointsize=2, repel = TRUE, habillage = df$SEASON,
addEllipses = TRUE, palette = c("grey25", "grey65")) +
labs(title="") +
scale_x_continuous(breaks= seq(-4,4,1), limits = c(-4,4)) +
theme_grey(base_size=16, base_family="serif")+
theme(axis.line= element_line(size=0.5, colour="black"),
axis.title.y= element_text (margin = margin(t=0, r=0, b=0, l=0)),
legend.position = c(0.9,0.1),
legend.title = element_blank(),
legend.key = element_rect(color = "white", fill = "white"),
legend.background= element_rect(fill= alpha("grey",.05)),
plot.margin= margin(-0.5,0.5,0,0.3,"cm"))
q <- ggplot_build(p)
q$data[[2]]$linetype = "blank"
q <- ggplot_gtable(q)
Created on 2022-09-10 with reprex v2.0.2