
React icons: Which import should I use?

I'm a bit confused. In my web project, I'm using React and for iconography, I'm using the React Icons library.

The thing that confuses me is: Every time I want to use an icon, the IDE (in my case JetBrains WebStorm) suggests two available import locations.

Import suggestions in the IDE

Apparently, the icon exists in the parent all directory, but also in a specific directory with the same name the icon has.

import { FaStackOverflow } from "@react-icons/all"
import { FaStackOverflow } from "@react-icons/all-files/fa/FaStackOverflow"

Which one should I use?


  • Import icons from all, not from a subdirectory

    The following hint is given in the docs:

    NOTE: each Icon package has its own subfolder under react-icons you import from.

    Also, after some experiments, I realized that using the icon from the all directory is the right one. I had issues when styling the icon (using a global class name provided in the <IconContext.Provider> parent element), so I changed the import location, and voilà, it worked!

    Here is a demo. I'm using the following CSS to style the icon.

    .icon {
        outline: 1px solid hotpink;

    This is the JSX code:

    <IconContext.Provider value={{ className: 'icon' }}>
      <FaStackOverflow />

    When importing the icon from the subdirectory, the styles are not applied correctly:

    import { FaStackOverflow } from "@react-icons/all-files/fa/FaStackOverflow"

    icon imported from wrong directory

    In contrast, this is the import from the correct location (directory all).

    import { FaStackOverflow } from "react-icons/all"

    icon imported from correct directory