I have instances of a Svelte component inside a loop and I want to be able to slide the .box element of each Slider component independently with more than one fingers at the same time.
Here's a reduced version of the code (couldn't include it in a REPL): https://github.com/dtsmarin/svelteSOexample
EDIT: I think my use of svelte-motion here causes more problems than it solves. I'm in the process of replacing it with something simpler like Hammer.js. In any case If someone has got a solution I'm still interested.
The approach here should be to use pointer events which provide a pointerId
that can be used to identify the finger. You can use capture functions to prevent interference between fingers and to keep sliding a slider until the finger is released, even if the finger accidentally left the slider's area during the interaction.
let element;
let capturedPointerId = null;
let x = 0;
let y = 0;
function onPointerDown(e) {
capturedPointerId = e.pointerId;
function onPointerUp(e) {
capturedPointerId = null;
function onPointerMove(e) {
if (capturedPointerId != e.pointerId)
x += e.movementX;
y += e.movementY;
<div bind:this={element}
style:transform="translate({x}px, {y}px)">
div {
/* This is important to prevent panning/zooming/reload gestures. */
touch-action: none;