I do have a projection problem when making tiles with GDAL command and using the same for Leaflet in R. The steps I am following are:
In Centos Amazon Linux 2 and GDAL I Run the following command:
gdal2tiles.py --s_srs EPSG:3857-WGS84 usa_tif.tif tiles
After generating the tiles I get an openlayer.html which looks ok:
Maybe you have an idea what is happening?
When I run:
which gdalinfo; gdalinfo --version
I get:
GDAL 3.2.1, released 2020/12/29
It was just a configuration in the Leaflet R code to:
tms = TRUE
addTiles(urlTemplate = "usa_tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png", group = "USA GDP", options = tileOptions(opacity = 0.6, tms = TRUE)) %>%