Problem Description
I have the following query.
SELECT ARRAY_REVERSE(SPLIT(META().id, ":"))[0] AS _id not in ["1-200101", "2-200101"]
FROM base
WHERE SUBSTR0(META().id, 0, 2) = "x:"
AND code = "XXX"
AND indexed_data.type = "Fire"
AND ( IS VALUED AND indexed_data.linkin ["3-200101"])
AND (indexed_data.shared IS VALUED AND indexed_data.shared in ["4-200101"])
Couchbase is not accepting not in ["1-200101", "2-200101"]
I can't find a solution.
"code": 3000,
"msg": "syntax error - at not",
"query": "SELECT ARRAY_REVERSE(SPLIT(META().id, \":\"))[0] AS _id not in [\"1-200101\", \"2-200101\"]\r\nFROM base\r\nWHERE SUBSTR0(META().id, 0, 2) = \"x:\"\r\n AND code = \"XXX\"\r\n AND indexed_data.type = \"Fire\" \r\n AND ( IS VALUED AND indexed_data.linkin [\"3-200101\"])\r\n AND (indexed_data.shared IS VALUED AND indexed_data.shared in [\"4-200101\"]) \r\n LIMIT 998"
Once aliased projection expression (AS _id) after that must have comma and another projection or FROM.
IN can be used any where expression is allowed
FROM base
LET _id = SPLIT(META().id, ":")[-1]
WHERE META().id LIKE "x:%"
AND code = "XXX"
AND indexed_data.type = "Fire"
AND IN ["3-200101"]
AND indexed_data.shared IN ["4-200101"]
AND _id NOT IN ["1-200101", "2-200101"]
NOTE: f1 = 10 In predicate already implied (f1 IS VALUED AND f1 = 10). Negative array subscript means index from the end.