Any ideas...? Using import, I want to close the dialog when the user touches it. Touch outside dialog closes the dialog (good). I tried
dialog!!.setCancelable(true) // no effect
dialog!!.onTouchEvent...// not intuitive solution
There is no onClick event and I do not want a button. Thanks
If you want close dialog even you touch inside dialog, you can try this:
class EnsureDialog: DialogFragment() {
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?){
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
//you can set onclick with 'view' of this dialog
view.setOnClickListener {
And call DialogFragment from another view:
val dialog = EnsureDialog()
//you can manual set cancelable here:
//dialog.isCancelable = false, "")
Here I'm using kotlin, convert to java if you wan't. Hope it helpful