
How can I watch a Foursquare venue for check-ins?

The FourSquare API seems to be very user-centric: After logging in via OAuth I can see my friends check in, and which of my friends are currently checked into a given venue.

I'm looking for something more venue-centric, where I can get a list of everybody currently checked into a venue (friends and non-friends), or ideally receive a notification each time there is a new check-in at a specific venue. Is this possible with the existing V2 API?


  • I know you asked this 2 months ago and surely found an answer already but to answer your question directly.

    where I can get a list of everybody currently checked into a venue (friends and non-friends)

    The FourSquare version 2 API has a venues endpoint

    A sample call will give you a stats field in the response

    Stats: Contains checkinsCount (total checkins ever here) and usersCount (total users who have ever checked in here).

    for more venue information, FourSuare has a subset to the version 2 API called the venues project with more venue driven data you can update and mine through.