I've searched the web a lot for this but i did not found an answer yet. So i rely on the specialists here.
I want to disable some woocommerce endpoints. The web told me to unset the woocommerce menu items via woocommerce_account_menu_items
hook like:
add_filter ( 'woocommerce_account_menu_items', 'my_remove_my_account_links' );
function my_remove_my_account_links( $menu_links ){
* Uncomment the appropriate lines to remove specific
* endpoints in the WooCommerce My Account screen.
//unset( $menu_links['dashboard'] ); // Remove Dashboard
//unset( $menu_links['edit-address'] ); // Addresses
//unset( $menu_links['payment-methods'] ); // Remove Payment Methods
//unset( $menu_links['orders'] ); // Remove Orders
//unset( $menu_links['downloads'] ); // Disable Downloads
//unset( $menu_links['edit-account'] ); // Remove Account details tab
//unset( $menu_links['customer-logout'] ); // Remove Logout link
return $menu_links;
BUT the big problem here is that this only removes the menu links in the frontend.
I can still enter the unset endpoints via direct URL. So when i enter https://example.de/myaccount/[unset-endpoint]
i am still abled to reach the content.
I found one way to redirect access via direct URL entry. I used the hook woocommerce_before_account_payment_methods
which is located inside the payment methods template (/woocommerce/templates/myaccount/payment-methods.php) to redirect back to the dashboard:
function redirect_forbidden_access_account_endpoints(){
add_action('woocommerce_before_account_payment_methods', 'redirect_forbidden_access_account_endpoints');
This works like a charme BUT only for the payment-methods
endpoint. I tried this for the native downloads
endpoint and a custom endpoint aswell without success.
So my question is: I there a solid solution to redirect URL access from specific disabled woocommerce endpoints to the dashboard?
Answer is: Yes there is! My hook was wrong. I used the wp hook now. Is that legal?
function redirect_forbidden_access(){
$current_endpoint = WC()->query->get_current_endpoint();
if($current_endpoint == "payment-methods"
|| $current_endpoint == "add-payment-method"
|| $current_endpoint == "edit-payment-method"
|| $current_endpoint == "[custom-endpoint]")
add_action('wp', 'redirect_forbidden_access');
This does the trick.