I have some problem during open my old website. My dataTable show:
DataTables warning: JSON data from server could not be parsed. This is caused by a JSON formatting error.
After that, I tried to debug my script and found error in mysql:
Error occuered during query execution:
(<small>SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ID,name,remark,avrusepmonth
, CONCAT('<input type=''checkbox''id=''cb' , ID ,''' name=''check[]''
value=''',ID,''' >','<label class=''lbcb'' for=''cb',
ID,'''><=update=</label>') as checkb
,monthavrage(ID,12) as latestavr , moq, leadtime
FROM test_media WHERE nowuse=1 and monthavrage(ID,12) > 0 ORDER BY name
desc, ID
LIMIT 0, 10</small>):
execute command denied to user 'jeinqa'@'localhost' for routine 'TestMediaControl.monthavrage'
Then I tried to googling for execute command denied to user 'jeinqa'@'localhost' for routine 'TestMediaControl.monthavrage'
and some sites said that I must do some GRANT
GRANT EXECUTE ON PROCEDURE TestMediaControl.monthavrage TO 'jeinqa'@'localhost'
but I got:
#1370 - execute command denied to user 'jeinqa'@'localhost' for routine 'TestMediaControl.monthavrage'
could you tell me how should I do for solving this?
It works.....
I try to grant this priviledge in root
GRANT EXECUTE ON PROCEDURE TestMediaControl.monthavrage TO 'jeinqa'@'localhost'
flush privileges;