
How to display text for while and Text disappears as fade in vb6

The scenario is such that the news is read from the database and each news is displayed for a few seconds and then fades out and the next news is displayed. Like breaking news on news networks like Fox news and so on ..

My main problem is how the text fades out and the next news is displayed? There are many examples of form fading in/out in Visual Basic 6, but not for text.

With this code, I can display the news text after 3 seconds and then delete it. But I would like the news text to gradually fade and the next news to be displayed.

Dim EndTime As Long
Dim eee As String
EndTime = Timer + 3
Do While Timer < EndTime
    eee = CLng(EndTime - Timer)
lbl(0).Caption = ""


  • As mentioned in the comments, the simple approach is to modify the text color. For the example below, drop a PictureBox onto a Form. I chose to use a PictureBox instead of a Label to eliminate flickering:

    Option Explicit
    Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
    Private Sub Form_Initialize()
       Picture1.BorderStyle = 0
       Picture1.AutoRedraw = True
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Activate()
       ShowNewsItem "This is the first news item", 3000
       ShowNewsItem "This is the second news item", 3000
       ShowNewsItem "This is the third news item", 3000
    End Sub
    Private Sub ShowNewsItem(ByVal NewsItem As String, ByVal HoldTime As Integer)
       Dim i As Integer
       'fade in from ButtonFace to ButtonText (gray to black)
       i = 237  'vbButtonFace
          Picture1.ForeColor = RGB(i, i, i)
          Picture1.CurrentX = 0
          Picture1.CurrentY = 0
          Picture1.Print NewsItem
          i = i - 1
          Sleep 5
       Loop Until i < 0
       'hold the item
       Sleep HoldTime
       'fade out from ButtonText to ButtonFace (black to gray)
       i = 0  'vbButtonText
          Picture1.ForeColor = RGB(i, i, i)
          Picture1.CurrentX = 0
          Picture1.CurrentY = 0
          Picture1.Print NewsItem
          i = i + 1
          Sleep 5
       Loop Until i > 237
    End Sub