I'm trying to rename the parameter of an anonymous function using a semantic scalafix plugin. The relevant code looks like this:
case Term.Apply(func, args) =>
args.collect { case Term.Block(List(Term.Function(List(arg), _))) =>
Patch.replaceTree(arg, arg.copy(name = Term.Name("components")).toString())
The problem is, this is changing { implicit foo =>
to { components =>
(i.e. it's dropping the implicit
modifier). I initially thought it was being dropped by the copy
method for some reason, but I added some println
s and that's not the case: the implicit
modifier exists on the copy, but just isn't being included in the toString
output. Anyone know what's going on here? And how I can get the implicit
to be included in the output?
println("toString:\t" + arg.toString())
println("name:\t\t" + arg.name)
println("modifiers:\t" + arg.mods)
println("syntax:\t\t" + arg.syntax)
println("structure:\t" + arg.structure)
val copy = arg.copy(name = Term.Name("components"))
println("toString:\t" + copy.toString())
println("name:\t\t" + copy.name)
println("modifiers:\t" + copy.mods)
println("syntax:\t\t" + copy.syntax)
println("structure:\t" + copy.structure)
toString: implicit app
name: app
modifiers: List(implicit)
syntax: implicit app
structure: Term.Param(List(Mod.Implicit), Term.Name("app"), None, None)
toString: components
name: components
modifiers: List(implicit)
syntax: components
structure: Term.Param(List(Mod.Implicit), Term.Name("components"), None, None)
(notice that the copy
has implicit
in its list of modifiers, but it doesn't show up in the outputs of toString
or syntax
The thing is that when Scalameta (4.5.13) prints a Term.Param
it skips Mod.Implicit
and Mod.Using
case t: Term.Param =>
// NOTE: `implicit/using` in parameters is skipped as it applies to whole list
printParam(t, t.mods.filterNot(x => x.is[Mod.Implicit] || x.is[Mod.Using]))
Then it prints List[List[Term.Param]]
implicit def syntaxParamss: Syntax[List[List[Term.Param]]] = Syntax { paramss =>
def usingImplicit(params: List[Term.Param]): Show.Result = {
if (params.exists(_.mods.exists(_.is[Mod.Using])))
s("using ", r(params, ", "))
w("implicit ", r(params, ", "), params.exists(_.mods.exists(_.is[Mod.Implicit])))
paramss.map(params => {
but this doesn't help us.
The easiest fix is just to add implicit
when necessary
doc.tree.collect {
case Term.Apply(func, args) =>
args.collect {
case Term.Block(List(Term.Function(List(arg), _))) =>
val res = arg.copy(name = Term.Name("components"))
val prefix = if (res.mods.exists(_.is[Mod.Implicit])) "implicit " else ""
Patch.replaceTree(arg, prefix + res.toString)
why it's printed in the original but not in the copy though
Because Scalameta prints differently newly parsed trees and transformed/generated trees. For the former it preserves their original string representation with original formatting. For the latter it prints them with corresponding instance of scala.meta.prettyprinters.Show
i.e. skips implicit
for a parameter etc.
calls scala.meta.internal.prettyprinters.TreeSyntax.apply[Term.Param](Scala213).apply(arg)
The method TreeSyntax.apply
def apply[T <: Tree](dialect: Dialect): Syntax[T] = {
// NOTE: This is the current state of the art of smart prettyprinting.
// If we prettyprint a tree that's just been parsed with the same dialect,
// then we retain formatting. Otherwise, we don't, even in the tiniest.
// I expect to improve on this in the nearest future, because we had it much better until recently.
Syntax { (x: T) =>
x.origin match {
// NOTE: Options don't really matter,
// because if we've parsed a tree, it's not gonna contain lazy seqs anyway.
// case Origin.Parsed(_, originalDialect, _) if dialect == originalDialect && options == Options.Eager =>
case o @ Origin.Parsed(_, `dialect`, _) => s(o.position.text)
case _ => reprint(x)(dialect)
Here in the pattern matching for Origin.Parsed
(the origin of a newly parsed tree) the method returns Result.Str
, for Origin.None
(the origin of a transformed/generated tree) it returns Result.Sequence
println(arg) // implicit y: Boolean
println(arg.structure) // Term.Param(List(Mod.Implicit), Term.Name("y"), Some(Type.Name("Boolean")), None)
println(arg.getClass) // class scala.meta.Term$Param$TermParamImpl
println(arg.origin) // Parsed(Input.VirtualFile("fix/Scalafixdemo.scala", "... implicit y: Boolean => ..."),Scala213,TokenStreamPosition(45,51))
// class scala.meta.prettyprinters.Show$Str
val res = arg.copy(name = Term.Name("components"))
println(res) // components: Boolean
println(res.structure) // Term.Param(List(Mod.Implicit), Term.Name("components"), Some(Type.Name("Boolean")), None)
println(res.getClass) // class scala.meta.Term$Param$TermParamImpl
println(res.origin) // None
// class scala.meta.prettyprinters.Show$Sequence
The method scala.meta.internal.trees.InternalTree#origin
is private[meta]
so if you play with it put your rule into the package scala.meta
is not a case class and .copy
is not a method of a case class. arg
and res
are actually instances of macro-generated class Term.Param.TermParamImpl