I've got this very simple chart, nothing fancy - just takes up stock indicator prices and shows them.
VStack {
Chart {
ForEach(viewmodel.chartData1) { chartData in
LineMark(x: .value("date", chartData.date),
y: .value("amount", chartData.close))
AreaMark(x: .value("date", chartData.date),
y: .value("amount", chartData.close))
.animation(.easeIn, value: viewmodel.chartData1.count)
.frame(height: 300)
.chartYScale(domain: viewmodel.range.0...viewmodel.range.1)
.padding(.horizontal, 16)
.task { await viewmodel.getSymbols() }
If I comment out the AreaMarks - the LineMark will look as I expect:
But, when adding the area it breaks:
Any ideas what did I missed here?
Heyo! I was running into the same issue you were. I was able to address this by using AreaMark(x:ystart:yend:) instead of AreaMark(x:y:).
Not exactly sure about your use case but maybe something like this? You'll have to play around with the start and end values to get it how you need. 🤠Hope this helps!
x: .value("date", chartData.date),
yStart: .value("amount", chartData.close),
// get the max close value or adjust to your use case
yEnd: .value("amountEnd", chartData1.max{ $0.close > $1.close }!)