
Can you use Squish for Android with other IDEs?

I find Squish IDE extremely clunky and counter intuitive. I wanted to try Squish testing but I would like to use some other tools to write scripts, like VSCode or PyCharm. Is it possible? Could you point me to some resources that would introduce me to this set up?

Or maybe some other solutions than Squish to allow UI testing for Qt apps on Android?


  • Found some answers after following Squish Remote Control(UI of qt app) from py script

    Additionally, froglogic support advises recording the tests with squishrunner utility and then editing the file with text editors.

    squishrunner --testsuite suite_AddressBook_py --record tst_general --useWaitFor

    I am not sure if it is possible to enable code completion in IDEs other than Squish IDE.