I am using DBT to select data with column aliases, and I am wondering why the column name would become the default value if there are no values in the column I am renaming. How would you fix this select statement so that it doesn't fill in the null values with the column name?
I have a table that is basically empty in my database which I generated from dbt seed
A | B 1 | C 2
g | |
h | |
and then I select this data in dbt_model
and do a dbt run
A as column1,
'B 1' as column2,
'C 2' as column3
from {{ ref(`my_data`)}}
for some reason this ends up with a table looking like this
column1 | column2 | column3
g | B 1 | C 2
h | B 1 | C 2
but that isn't what I wanted. I wanted this. So how do I do a column alias to rename the columns in the select statement? Why would it behave this way?
column1 | column2 | column3
g | |
h | |
In most SQL dialects, single quotes are used as string literals. So in your query:
A as column1,
'B 1' as column2,
'C 2' as column3
from {{ ref(`my_data`)}}
You are not selecting from the columns called B 1
and C 2
, you are selecting the string literals "B 1" and "C 2", which is why your result is what it is.
In Postgres-like databases, you should use double quotes for names with spaces in them:
A as column1,
"B 1" as column2,
"C 2" as column3
from {{ ref(`my_data`)}}
In MySQL-like dialects (including Google BigQuery), you should use backticks instead:
A as column1,
`B 1` as column2,
`C 2` as column3
from {{ ref(`my_data`)}}