
problem with updateTabItems. in R shiny with Golem

I am bulding an app with golem in R . I'm trying to change a TabItem through a button from tabItem (acceuil) to an other tabItem (Rating)

this is Module "Acceuil"

mod_Accueil_ui <- function(id){
  ns <- NS(id)
    actionButton(ns("do"), "Click Me")
#' Accueil Server Functions
#' @noRd 
mod_Accueil_server <- function(id){
mod_Accueil_server <- function(id){
  moduleServer( id, function(input,output,session){
     ns <- session$ns
     observeEvent(input$do, {
      updateTabItems(session = session,inputId = "menu",selected = "Rating")

it seems like the mod_Acceuil dosen't recognize the inputId and selected in the updateTabItems. this is the app_ui part

                menuItem("Rating", tabName = "Rating"),
                menuItem("Accueil", tabName = "Accueil")

    tabItem("Rating",mod_calcul_ui("calcul_ui_1") ),
    tabItem("Accueil",mod_Accueil_ui("Accueil_1") )

so the problem is when i click the button "Click me" the page does not change


  • Without testing: Try passing the parent's session to updateItems. That would require to add the parent's session to the server module:

    mod_Accueil_server <- function(id, parent) moduleServer(id, 
        function(input,output,session) {
            ns <- session$ns
            observeEvent(input$do, {
                   session=parent,  # not the module's session
                   inputId="menu",selected = "Rating"

    and then in the main server function:

    server <- function(input,output,session) {
        mod_Accueil_server(id="Accueil", parent=session)
        # ...