I have a list of strings, and I want to window them 'n' at a time. The window should re-start every time it encounters a certain string. This is the code I used:
i = 0
a = ['Abel', 'Bea', 'Clare', 'Abel', 'Ben', 'Constance', 'Dave', 'Emmet', 'Abel', 'Bice', 'Carol', 'Dennis']
while i in range(len(a)-n+1):
print('Window :', a[i:i+n])
i += 1
if a[i] == 'Abel':
and the output I get is:
Window : ['Abel', 'Bea', 'Clare']
Window : ['Bea', 'Clare', 'Abel']
Window : ['Clare', 'Abel', 'Ben']
Window : ['Abel', 'Ben', 'Constance']
Window : ['Ben', 'Constance', 'Dave']
Window : ['Constance', 'Dave', 'Emmet']
Window : ['Dave', 'Emmet', 'Abel']
Window : ['Emmet', 'Abel', 'Bice']
Window : ['Abel', 'Bice', 'Carol']
Window : ['Bice', 'Carol', 'Dennis']
while I would like it to re-start windowing every time 'Abel' comes into a position that isn't first, like:
#Expected result
Window : ['Abel' , 'Bea', 'Clare']
Window : ['Abel', 'Ben', 'Constance']
Window : ['Ben', 'Constance', 'Dave']
Window : ['Constance', 'Dave', 'Emmet']
Window : ['Abel', 'Bice', 'Carol']
Window : ['Bice', 'Carol', 'Dennis']
What am I getting wrong?
This is the solution
data = [
data_size = len(data)
window_size = 3
restart_match_value = "Abel"
i = 0
j = 0
while i < data_size - window_size + 1:
window = []
should_restart = False
for j in range(i, i + window_size):
if len(window) > 1 and data[j] == restart_match_value:
should_restart = True
i = j - 1
if should_restart:
print("Window:", window)
i += 1