
Task: Finding lowest possible MSE using linear regression

I've seen this same question on here which has helped me get this far but i'm not getting the correct results.

I have a linear regression with the datapoints x and y, as well as the model ypred = a*x+b. I needed to set a = 10 and calculate the MSE, which worked fine. But I am having trouble looping through the code by decreasing a by 0.1 until 0 and to check for the lowest possible MSE. I have to repeat the same thing for b as well which is something I am a bit lost with.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

data = pd.read_csv('dataset.csv')

#x = [0., 0.05263158, 0.10526316, 0.15789474, 0.21052632,
      #0.26315789, 0.31578947, 0.36842105, 0.42105263, 0.47368421,
      #0.52631579, 0.57894737, 0.63157895, 0.68421053, 0.73684211,
      #0.78947368, 0.84210526, 0.89473684, 0.94736842, 1.]
#y = [0.49671415, 0.01963044, 0.96347801, 1.99671407, 0.39742557,
      #0.55533673, 2.52658124, 1.87269789, 0.79368351, 1.96361268,
      #1.11552968, 1.27111235, 2.13669911, 0.13935133, 0.48560848,
      #1.80613352, 1.51348467, 2.99845786, 1.93408119, 1.5876963]

x = data.x
y = data.y

plt.scatter(data.x, data.y)

a = 10 
b = 0

for y in x:
   ypred = a*x+b


ytrue = data.y

MSE = np.square(np.subtract(ytrue,ypred)).mean()

print (MSE)
a = 10
ytrue = data.y           
tmp_MSE = np.infty 
tmp_a = a            
for i in range(100):
   ytrue = a-0.1*(i+1)
   MSE = np.square(np.subtract(ypred,ytrue)).mean()
   if MSE < tmp_MSE: 
       tmp_MSE = MSE 
       tmp_a = ytrue


Output: 5.0 9.210526289473682

There is no error, but I'm not getting the correct result, where am I going wrong?


  • I see you're iterating through all possible combination of a and b to get the minimum MSE.
    Here's a possible solution:

    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    x = [0., 0.05263158, 0.10526316, 0.15789474, 0.21052632,
          0.26315789, 0.31578947, 0.36842105, 0.42105263, 0.47368421,
          0.52631579, 0.57894737, 0.63157895, 0.68421053, 0.73684211,
          0.78947368, 0.84210526, 0.89473684, 0.94736842, 1.]
    y = [0.49671415, 0.01963044, 0.96347801, 1.99671407, 0.39742557,
          0.55533673, 2.52658124, 1.87269789, 0.79368351, 1.96361268,
          1.11552968, 1.27111235, 2.13669911, 0.13935133, 0.48560848,
          1.80613352, 1.51348467, 2.99845786, 1.93408119, 1.5876963]
    # data = pd.read_csv('dataset.csv')
    data = pd.DataFrame({'x': x, 'y': y})
    x = data.x
    y = data.y
    plt.scatter(data.x, data.y)
    a = 10 
    b = 0
    ypred = a*x + b    #this is a series
    ytrue = data.y
    MSE = np.square(np.subtract(ytrue,ypred)).mean()
    print (MSE)
    ytrue = data.y
    min_MSE = np.infty
    for a in np.arange(10, 0, -0.1):
        for b in np.arange(10, 0, -0.1):
            ypred = a*x + b    #this is a series
            MSE = np.square(np.subtract(ypred,ytrue)).mean()
            if MSE < min_MSE: 
                min_MSE = MSE 
                min_a = a
                min_b = b
    print('min_a =', round(min_a, 3))
    print('min_b =', round(min_b, 3))
    print('min_MSE =', round(min_MSE, 3))


    enter image description here

    min_a = 1.1
    min_b = 0.8
    min_MSE = 0.546

    Edit: If you would like higher level of precision, you could run below code:

    def find_min(a_range, b_range):
        min_MSE = np.infty
        for a in a_range:
            for b in b_range:
                ypred = a*x + b    #this is a series
                MSE = np.square(np.subtract(ypred,ytrue)).mean()
                if MSE < min_MSE: 
                    min_MSE = MSE 
                    min_a = a
                    min_b = b
        return min_a, min_b, min_MSE
    ytrue = data.y
    p = 0.1
    min_a, min_b, min_MSE = find_min(np.arange(10, 0, -p), np.arange(10, 0, -p))
    min_a, min_b, min_MSE = find_min(np.arange(min_a+p, min_a-p, -p/100), np.arange(min_b+p, min_b-p, -p/100)) 
    print('min_a =', round(min_a, 3))
    print('min_b =', round(min_b, 3))
    print('min_MSE =', round(min_MSE, 3))


    min_a = 1.109
    min_b = 0.774
    min_MSE = 0.546