I am making a voronoi map in R using the packages leaflet and sf as follows:
long <- c(4.35556 , 5.83745, 4.63683 , 6.06389, 6.41111, 5.639722)
lat <- c(52.00667, 53.09456, 52.38084 , 52.475 , 52.15917, 53.440278)
labs <- c("Delft" , "Grouw" , "Haarlem", "Hattem", "Lochem", "Hollum" )
colors <- c("red" , "orange", "yellow" , "green" , "blue" , "purple" )
df <- data.frame(ID = labs, X = long, Y = lat)
points <- st_geometry(st_as_sf(df, coords = c("X", "Y")))
points <- st_union(points)
NL <- ne_countries(country = c('netherlands'), scale = 'medium', returnclass = 'sf')
polys <- points %>%
st_voronoi() %>%
st_cast() %>%
st_set_crs(., 4326) %>%
st_intersection(y = NL)
leaflet() %>%
addProviderTiles(providers$OpenStreetMap.Mapnik) %>%
addPolygons (data = polys,
fillColor = colors,
fillOpacity = 1,
weight = 0.5,
color = "black") %>%
addCircleMarkers(lng = long,
lat = lat,
label = labs,
color = "black",
radius = 5,
weight = 1,
fill = TRUE,
fillColor = colors,
fillOpacity = 1)
In the resulting map the colors of the dots are correct, but the colors of the polygons are not correct. I guess something has changed in order of the locations in 'polys', but I am puzzled about this. Any suggestions how to solve this?
indeed appears not to keep the order of input points in the resulting polygons. You may use st_intersects()
to find out which polygon belongs to which point and reorder polys
First store a copy of points
before applying st_union()
and set them the same CRS as polys
will have, so thatst_intersects()
works later on. I.e., insert this before the points <- st_union(points)
points0 <- st_set_crs(points, 4326)
Then, after creating polys
, reorder them like this:
polys <- polys[unlist(st_intersects(points0, polys))]
If some point is located outside the area of Netherlands (as provided by ne_countries()
) the matching of points to polygons has to be done before intersecting of polys
and NL
. So in the original code the polys <- points...
will be replaced with:
polys <- points %>%
st_voronoi() %>%
st_cast() %>%
st_set_crs(., 4326)
polys <- polys[unlist(st_intersects(points0, polys))]
polys <- st_intersection(polys, NL)