
Missing methods on JXTA 2.7

I have started reading how to use JXTA from Practical JXTA II for an application i want to make. Although the code provided (examples) doesn't work with JXTA 2.7 . More specifically Tools class of Z_Tools_And_Others doesn't compile since TheRendezVous class doesn't have getConnectedPeers() and getConnectedRendezVous() which exist in 2.6 . Therefor i cant continue since Tools class is used in most of the examples . Anyone familiar with this got any suggestions ? Is it better to use 2.6 for learning purposes and then move to 2.7 ?



  • Sorry for the late reply: the files for Practical JXTA II are available from here.

    I am pretty sure you are trying to use 2.6 code with 2.7. Let me know if you still encounter an issue with the practical jxta II examples.