
Flutter generate Freezed files for Cubit with build_runner not working

I am trying to use the Freezed Package together with the Cubits from the Bloc Package. I followed this tutorial and I want to simply create Cubits with Freezed but I can not make it work.


flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

does not create anything.

Here is my setup:


import 'package:bloc/bloc.dart';
import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';

part 'courses_state.dart';
part 'courses_cubit.freezed.dart';

class CoursesCubit extends Cubit<CoursesState> {
  CoursesCubit() : super(CoursesState.initial());


part of 'courses_cubit.dart';

class CoursesState with _$CoursesState {
  const factory CoursesState.initial() = _Initial;

According to the Tutorial and also this article running the command above should create the file courses_cubit_freezed.dart. But like I said, nothing happens. The command runs successfully with no changes.

What am I missing here? Let me know if you need any more info!


  • guess something was messed up with my cacheor sth. Removing all the packages and installing it like this solved the issue:


    flutter pub add flutter_bloc


    flutter pub add freezed_annotation

    flutter pub add --dev build_runner

    flutter pub add --dev freezed

    after installing it simply run this to generate the missing file:

    flutter pub run build_runner build