
With Flask-Appbuilders ModelView how do I change width of colums and tables?

I'm currently starting to work on an existing flask-appbuilder based application and to improve look and feel I'm trying to solve some inconveniences:

enter image description here

So currently I'm looking for a way to set the (relative) size of the content of the table to either a manual value or to "always fit whole table", but searching the documentation for size and width didn't give me a hint yet. Alternatively it would help a little bit to be able to collapse columns or to have an extra scroll bar on the top edge of the table.

Is there a way to solve this without having to implement some sort of table templates?


  • You just have to add your template when creating the AppBuilder object:

    appbuilder = AppBuilder(base_template="layout.html")

    In the template folder you can then create a custom layout file (p.e. layout.html) like this:

    {% extends 'appbuilder/baselayout.html' %}
    {% block head_css %}
        {{ super() }}
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{url_for('static',filename='css/styling.css')}}"></link>
    {% endblock %}

    You can then use custom stylesheets in the template/css folder (p.e. styling.css). To increase the size of all ModelViews just add:

        width: 80%;
