I am currently working on a personal project with pigpio and piscope on raspberry PI 4. I try to simulate my TV remote by sending IR signal through an IR LED setup connected on GPIO 23 and GND pin (setup is a simple IR LED with a 200 ohm resistor) I searched on LIRC database my TV remote config file and I did not find it, but I found another one (MKJ40653802-TV) which is said to be working also for my TV which is a LG 50PS3000:
also config file :
begin remote
name MKJ40653802-TV
bits 16
eps 30
aeps 100
header 9061 4473
one 591 1660
zero 591 521
ptrail 590
pre_data_bits 16
pre_data 0x20DF
gap 108029
toggle_bit_mask 0x0
begin codes
KEY_POWER 0x10EF # Was: power
After reading LIRC documentation and explainations on how to contruct an IR signal, I managed to get my hands through a python script which create IR waveform to be fired through IR LED
I simply changed the NEC protocol paramters to the values present in the config file. Also my power on/off hex value is 0x20DF23DC (pre-data + command) that I convert to binary 32 bits : 00100000110111110010001111011100
my code below :
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Python IR transmitter
# Requires pigpio library
# Supports NEC, RC-5 and raw IR.
# Danijel Tudek, Aug 2016
import subprocess
import ctypes
import time
# This is the struct required by pigpio library.
# We store the individual pulses and their duration here. (In an array of these structs.)
class Pulses_struct(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [("gpioOn", ctypes.c_uint32),
("gpioOff", ctypes.c_uint32),
("usDelay", ctypes.c_uint32)]
# Since both NEC and RC-5 protocols use the same method for generating waveform,
# it can be put in a separate class and called from both protocol's classes.
class Wave_generator():
def __init__(self,protocol):
self.protocol = protocol
MAX_PULSES = 12000 # from pigpio.h
Pulses_array = Pulses_struct * MAX_PULSES
self.pulses = Pulses_array()
self.pulse_count = 0
def add_pulse(self, gpioOn, gpioOff, usDelay):
self.pulses[self.pulse_count].gpioOn = gpioOn
self.pulses[self.pulse_count].gpioOff = gpioOff
self.pulses[self.pulse_count].usDelay = usDelay
self.pulse_count += 1
# Pull the specified output pin low
def zero(self, duration):
self.add_pulse(0, 1 << self.protocol.master.gpio_pin, duration)
# Protocol-agnostic square wave generator
def one(self, duration):
period_time = 1000000.0 / self.protocol.frequency
on_duration = int(round(period_time * self.protocol.duty_cycle))
off_duration = int(round(period_time * (1.0 - self.protocol.duty_cycle)))
total_periods = int(round(duration/period_time))
total_pulses = total_periods * 2
# Generate square wave on the specified output pin
for i in range(total_pulses):
if i % 2 == 0:
self.add_pulse(1 << self.protocol.master.gpio_pin, 0, on_duration)
self.add_pulse(0, 1 << self.protocol.master.gpio_pin, off_duration)
# NEC protocol class
class NEC():
def __init__(self,
one_pulse_duration = 591,
one_gap_duration = 1660,
zero_pulse_duration = 591,
zero_gap_duration = 521,
trailing_pulse = [1, 590]):
self.master = master
self.wave_generator = Wave_generator(self)
self.frequency = frequency # in Hz, 38000 per specification
self.duty_cycle = duty_cycle # duty cycle of high state pulse
# Durations of high pulse and low "gap".
# The NEC protocol defines pulse and gap lengths, but we can never expect
# that any given TV will follow the protocol specification.
self.leading_pulse_duration = leading_pulse_duration # in microseconds, 9000 per specification
self.leading_gap_duration = leading_gap_duration # in microseconds, 4500 per specification
self.one_pulse_duration = one_pulse_duration # in microseconds, 562 per specification
self.one_gap_duration = one_gap_duration # in microseconds, 1686 per specification
self.zero_pulse_duration = zero_pulse_duration # in microseconds, 562 per specification
self.zero_gap_duration = zero_gap_duration # in microseconds, 562 per specification
self.trailing_pulse = trailing_pulse # trailing 562 microseconds pulse, some remotes send it, some don't
print("NEC protocol initialized")
# Send AGC burst before transmission
def send_agc(self):
print("Sending AGC burst")
# Trailing pulse is just a burst with the duration of standard pulse.
def send_trailing_pulse(self):
print("Sending trailing pulse")
# This function is processing IR code. Leaves room for possible manipulation
# of the code before processing it.
def process_code(self, ircode):
if (self.leading_pulse_duration > 0) or (self.leading_gap_duration > 0):
for i in ircode:
if i == "0":
elif i == "1":
print("ERROR! Non-binary digit!")
return 1
if self.trailing_pulse[0] == 1:
return 0
# Generate zero or one in NEC protocol
# Zero is represented by a pulse and a gap of the same length
def zero(self):
# One is represented by a pulse and a gap three times longer than the pulse
def one(self):
# RC-5 protocol class
# Note: start bits are not implemented here due to inconsistency between manufacturers.
# Simply provide them with the rest of the IR code.
class RC5():
def __init__(self,
self.master = master
self.wave_generator = Wave_generator(self)
self.frequency = frequency # in Hz, 36000 per specification
self.duty_cycle = duty_cycle # duty cycle of high state pulse
# Durations of high pulse and low "gap".
# Technically, they both should be the same in the RC-5 protocol, but we can never expect
# that any given TV will follow the protocol specification.
self.one_duration = one_duration # in microseconds, 889 per specification
self.zero_duration = zero_duration # in microseconds, 889 per specification
print("RC-5 protocol initialized")
# This function is processing IR code. Leaves room for possible manipulation
# of the code before processing it.
def process_code(self, ircode):
for i in ircode:
if i == "0":
elif i == "1":
print("ERROR! Non-binary digit!")
return 1
return 0
# Generate zero or one in RC-5 protocol
# Zero is represented by pulse-then-low signal
def zero(self):
# One is represented by low-then-pulse signal
def one(self):
# RAW IR ones and zeroes. Specify length for one and zero and simply bitbang the GPIO.
# The default values are valid for one tested remote which didn't fit in NEC or RC-5 specifications.
# It can also be used in case you don't want to bother with deciphering raw bytes from IR receiver:
# i.e. instead of trying to figure out the protocol, simply define bit lengths and send them all here.
class RAW():
def __init__(self,
self.master = master
self.wave_generator = Wave_generator(self)
self.frequency = frequency # in Hz
self.duty_cycle = duty_cycle # duty cycle of high state pulse
self.one_duration = one_duration # in microseconds
self.zero_duration = zero_duration # in microseconds
def process_code(self, ircode):
for i in ircode:
if i == "0":
elif i == "1":
print("ERROR! Non-binary digit!")
return 1
return 0
# Generate raw zero or one.
# Zero is represented by low (no signal) for a specified duration.
def zero(self):
# One is represented by pulse for a specified duration.
def one(self):
class IR():
def __init__(self, gpio_pin, protocol, protocol_config):
print("Starting IR")
print("Loading libpigpio.so")
self.pigpio = ctypes.CDLL('libpigpio.so')
print("Initializing pigpio")
PI_OUTPUT = 1 # from pigpio.h
subprocess.Popen('piscope', shell=True)
self.gpio_pin = gpio_pin
print("Configuring pin %d as output" % self.gpio_pin)
self.pigpio.gpioSetMode(self.gpio_pin, PI_OUTPUT) # pin 17 is used in LIRC by default
print("Initializing protocol")
if protocol == "NEC":
self.protocol = NEC(self, **protocol_config)
elif protocol == "RC-5":
self.protocol = RC5(self, **protocol_config)
elif protocol == "RAW":
self.protocol = RAW(self, **protocol_config)
print("Protocol not specified! Exiting...")
return 1
print("IR ready")
# send_code takes care of sending the processed IR code to pigpio.
# IR code itself is processed and converted to pigpio structs by protocol's classes.
def send_code(self, ircode):
print("Processing IR code: %s" % ircode)
code = self.protocol.process_code(ircode)
if code != 0:
print("Error in processing IR code!")
return 1
clear = self.pigpio.gpioWaveClear()
if clear != 0:
print("Error in clearing wave!")
return 1
pulses = self.pigpio.gpioWaveAddGeneric(self.protocol.wave_generator.pulse_count, self.protocol.wave_generator.pulses)
if pulses < 0:
print("Error in adding wave!")
return 1
wave_id = self.pigpio.gpioWaveCreate()
# Unlike the C implementation, in Python the wave_id seems to always be 0.
if wave_id >= 0:
print("Sending wave...")
result = self.pigpio.gpioWaveTxSend(wave_id, 0)
if result >= 0:
print("Success! (result: %d)" % result)
print("Error! (result: %d)" % result)
return 1
print("Error creating wave: %d" % wave_id)
return 1
while self.pigpio.gpioWaveTxBusy():
print("Deleting wave")
print("Terminating pigpio")
# Simply define the GPIO pin, protocol (NEC, RC-5 or RAW) and
# override the protocol defaults with the dictionary if required.
# Provide the IR code to the send_code() method.
# An example is given below.
if __name__ == "__main__":
protocol = "NEC"
gpio_pin = 23
protocol_config = dict(one_pulse_duration = 591,
zero_pulse_duration = 591)
ir = IR(gpio_pin, protocol, protocol_config)
print("Exiting IR")
When launching the script it's working, I can see the IR LED blinking through phone cam and also I see the waveform generating through piscope :
Everything looks correct to me but I don't know why it's not powering on my TV... Could you please help me with this problem ? I don't know if I missed something or if I am using the wrong TV code...
Thanks a lot !
I tried other remote code, I tried the toggle-bit-mask on the first bit (toggle_bit_mask = 0x0) I tried other codes (on and off) from this page : https://gist.github.com/francis2110/8f69843dd57ae07dce80 with no success
It's working. I just had to get close to tv (less than 1 meter away). So I am reviewing my LED setup adding a transistor. As seen online it should be working from longer distances...