I know there a lots same questions, but none of them work as I need, about to disable future YYYY-MM-DD in React Native Date Picker:
maximumDate={new Date()}
onCancel={() => {
But it doesn't work, the future month and date still displayed, only future year is disabled. How to disable all of them?
According to the Readme on the repo for react-native-date-picker
, the maximumDate
prop requires a string in the form YYYY-MM-DD. Therefore you should instantiate a new Date object and store it in a variable on which you can call the various methods you need to access those portions of the Date. Then you can pass that prop a new Date object, and add the pieces of the string you need, like so:
const currDate = new Date();
maximumDate={new Date(`${currDate.getFullYear()}-${currDate.getMonth() + 1}-${currDate.getDate()}`)}