With my Discord servers now having access to Forum Channels, I want to extend my word checker bot to also check forum post names.
How would I get the forum post name/object?
Also, is there a way to do some sort of: client.on("newPost", ...)
I had the same question but I found the answer by searching on the Discord API page. The new Post event is a threadCreate event!
Also, the name of the thread is the name of the forum post. I didn't found yet how to get all images, emojis and the description but I think it will soon be added in Discord.JS!
Try this:
const { ChannelType } = require('discord.js');
client.on('threadCreate', async (thread) => {
if (thread.type == ChannelType.GuildPublicThread) {
// When a new forum post is created
console.log(thread.parentId) // The forum channel ID
console.log(thread.id) // The forum post ID
console.log(thread.name) // The name of the forum post
Hope this helps!