I'm trying to train a UNet in Julia with the help of Flux.
Flux.train!(loss, Flux.params(model), train_data_loader, opt)
batch_loss = loss(train_data, train_targets)
where the loss is
and train_data_loader is
train_data_loader = DataLoader((train_data |> device, train_targets |> device), batchsize=batch_size, shuffle=true)
I dont understand how to take the loss from Flux.train out for printing loss (is that validation loss?). Evalcb will also trigger a call to calculate loss, so its not different. I was to skip extra calculation. So What I did is call the loss function again and store it in a variable then print it per batch. Is there a way to print loss from Flux.train() instead of calling loss again?
Adding to @Dan's answer, you can also augment your loss function with logging on the fly using the do
using ChainRules
loss_history = Float32[]
Flux.train!(Flux.params(model), train_data_loader, opt) do x, y
err = loss(x, y)
ChainRules.ignore_derivatives() do
push!(loss_history, err)
return err