
No podspec found for `react-native-beacons-manager` in `../node_modules/react-native-beacons-manager`

Since the last "pod install", i get the error "No podspec found for react-native-beacons-manager in ../node_modules/react-native-beacons-manager" if i ran "pod install" and i dont know why. The library works until the last month. But now, i get the error.

I add the following in react-native.config.js

module.exports = {
    project: {
        ios: {},
        android: {},
    assets: ['./src/app/static/fonts/'],
    dependencies: {
        'react-native-beacons-manager': {
            platforms: {
                android: null,
                ios: null,

In the ios/Podfile i add the following:

  pod 'react-native-beacons-manager', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-beacons-manager'

In XCode under "Libraries" i add RNiBeacon.xcodeproj

I the following Versions:


  • Solution:

    Add a react-native-beacons-manager.podspec to node_modules/react-native-beacons-manager with the following code: do |s|         = "react-native-beacons-manager"
      s.version      = "1.1.0"
      s.summary      = "React-Native library for detecting beacons (iOS and Android)"
      s.homepage     = ""
      s.license      = { :type => "MIT" }
      s.authors      = { "" => "" }
      s.platform     = :ios, "8.0"
      s.source       = { :path => "." }
      s.source_files = "ios", "ios/**/*.{h,m}"
      s.dependency 'React'

    Add in the Podfile the following line: pod 'react-native-beacons-manager', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-beacons-manager/react-native-beacons-manager.podspec'