I'm using Victoria Metrics as a metric storage. I would like to use VM rather than using InfluxDB
In this case I just port forwarded to my VM port then run;
k6 run --out influxdb= click_performancetest.js --http-debug="full"
However when I do it, getting this;
requestURI: /write?consistency=&db=k6&precision=ns&rp=; cannot parse path "/write": cannot find {prefix}\n" output=InfluxDBv1
Is there any blog, article or suggestion for using Victoria metrics using k6 with rather than using InfluxDB?
Thanks in advance
It is likely you run cluster version of VictoriaMetrics instead of single-node VictoriaMetrics. The cluster version of VictoriaMetrics has different urls for data ingestion because of multitenancy support - see these docs for details. That's why you need to send data from k6 to the url like http://vminsert:8480/insert/0/influx/write