
How to push element after a certain value of an array

So we all know that array_push works like this:


So the result would be:

Array ( [0] => red [1] => green [2] => blue [3] => yellow )

But now I need to know how can I append the blue and yellow after a certain value of the array.

So for example, if I determine that, push the blue and yellow after the red (which has the position of 0), this result would be shown:

Array ( [0] => red [1] => blue [2] => yellow [3] => green)

So how can I push element after a certain value of an array?


  • You can't do this with array_push. However, you can loop on the array, collect the values in a new array and array_merge the new colors when you find the color of your choice after which new colors need to be injected.

    $a = array("red","green");
    $newColors = ["blue","yellow"];
    $result = [];
    foreach($a as $color){
      $result[] = $color;
      if($color == 'red'){
        $result = array_merge($result, $newColors);

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