
Zeitwerk not autoloading models in rails 7

I recently upgraded my Rails version of my application from 6.1 to 7 and I am facing one issue with zeitwerk. I was also using the zeitwerk in my rails 6.1 which was working fine but suddenly something is breaking when I upgraded it to rails 7.

Since zeitwerk automatically loads root directories so it must autoload the models as well. But now when I try to initialise a model when booting up the server I am getting uninitialized constant error.

>> "user".camelize.constantize
=> `constantize': uninitialized constant User

I also checked this ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths and it included the path "app/models" but still it gives the uninitialized constant error and I am not sure why.

However I tried adding the following line to my applicatio.rb file

config.autoload_once_paths << "app/models"

and then it gave me an error saying that zeitwerk was loading the same directory twice and then I had to add this line in the config/initializers/zeitwerk.rb file in order to make it work.


At first it seemed to have fixed the problem but later it resulted in multiple test failures. So my question is that is there something I need to add in my application.rb file in order to make it work in rails 7?

Below is a snapshot of my application.rb file if that helps.

class Application < Rails::Application
    config.load_defaults 7.0
    config.autoload_once_paths << "app/models"
    config.active_record.pluralize_table_names = false
    config.assets.enabled = false
    config.api_only = true
    config.version = Dir.pwd.split('/').last
    config.action_dispatch.ip_spoofing_check = false


  • This is unrelated to the configuration. Please do not change config.autoload_once_paths or any autoloading configuration.

    As explained in the upgrading guide, in Rails 7 you cannot autoload constants when the application boots. Your application on Rails 6 was already issuing warnings about this with instructions about how to address them.

    Please follow the instructions in the upgrading guide to fix it.