I have a situation where if a user click on a mouse button. I want to cancel the mouse click base on certain situation. Like if he clicks on a button when say a certain state is not met, the clicked button event is not fired. So what i did is i add an OnPreviewMouseDown event and check if the situation is met, if not I need to cancel the click event, how do i cancel the users mouse click event in this case?
public OnMouseClick(object sendor, RoutedEventArgs e)
// do some work.
public OnPreviewMouseClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
if (condition_not_met)
// how do i enter code here to cancel the mouse click event so it WILL NOT
// fire the OnMouseClick event.
// there is no such thing as e.cancel = true or
var btn = sender as Button;
In OnPreviewMouseDown
, tell that the click is Handled..
if (condition_not_met)
e.Handled = true;
// ..