
Error: Undefined variable cwtplot in Scilab

I try to analyze 3-d image of the wavelet transform of the signal (image is obtained using the mesh function) Then I want to get my 2-d image of the wavelet transform using the cwtplot function.

cwtplot(signal, 1:32)

However, scilab shows an error

Undefined variable cwtplot


  • I created a new version 0.3.2 of the Atoms module "Scilab Wavelet Toolbox". It was just a matter of recompilation (+some other small fixes). If you update the Atoms database you should be able to download it:

    --> atomsSystemUpdate
    --> atomsInstall swt
    --> atomsLoad swt
     Start swt toolbox - (0.3.2)
        Load macros
        Load gateways
        Load help
        Load demos

    The page of the updated Atoms is there: and here is a screenshoft of the cwtplot help page example:

    enter image description here