
Successfully change column from nullable to set default, but the value is still null

I have table migration like this. I want to change the column from nullable to set default 0.

        Schema::create('table', function (Blueprint $table) {

But, when I am create migration to change the column from nullable to set default 0 like this. Why changed column is still null?

        Schema::table('table', function (Blueprint $table) {

How to fix this?


  • Setting a default does not remove the nullable from the column, this is how you would set a column as not nullable.

    Schema::table('table', function (Blueprint $table) {

    However this may not automatically set the default values to currently null columns because the default (as far as I know) applies to new inserts only. To fix this you could add this in your migration file before the Schema::table call:

    DB::table('table')->whereNull('sold_count')->update([ 'sold_count' => 0 ]);
    DB::table('table')->whereNull('view_count')->update([ 'view_count' => 0 ]);

    however this will result in your migration to not be fully reversible.