I am new to NestJS and was wondering if its possible to have a NestJS Kafka micro-service with REST Endpoints as well (ideally using Fastify).
I have found the following configuration for both Kafka and for Fastify but it seems like you can only have one or the other in the same service.
// kafka config
const app = await NestFactory.createMicroservice<MicroserviceOptions>(AppModule, {
transport: Transport.KAFKA,
options: {
client: {
brokers: ['localhost:9092'],
// Fastify config
const app = await NestFactory.create<NestFastifyApplication>(AppModule, new FastifyAdapter(), {
bufferLogs: true,
Does anybody know if there is a way to configure both ?.
What you're looking for is called a hybrid application. First configure the HTTP engine:
const app = await NestFactory.create<NestFastifyApplication>(AppModule, new FastifyAdapter(), {
bufferLogs: true,
Then you use connectMicroservices
app.connectMicroservices<MicroserviceOptions>(AppModule, {
transport: Transport.KAFKA,
options: {
client: {
brokers: ['localhost:9092'],
then you call app.startAllMicroservices()
, and finally you app.listen(port)