
Select2 takes a long time to load

When I use select2 in rails and reload this entry appears for 1 second

enter image description here

Then it goes back to normal like the following picture:

enter image description here

This is my code and I have tried placing it in css display hidden and visibility true without any success

    maximumSelectionLength: 15,
    minimumInputLength: 1,
    tags: true,
    tokenSeparators: [',', ' '],
    language: {
      maximumSelected: function (e) {
        return I18n.t('customers.limit_max');

      inputTooShort: function (e) {
        return I18n.t('customers.limit_min');

      noResults: function(){
        return I18n.t('customers.not_result_found');

and this is my input tags:

= f.input :tag_ids, collection: Tag.all, input_html: { class: "js-example-basic-multiple js-example-responsive", multiple: true, id: "js-customer"}, include_blank: false

I would greatly appreciate help on this issue.


  • I solved it by removing the css styles and the multiple:true from the tag_ids input

    = f.input :tag_ids, collection: Tag.all, input_html: { id: "js-customer"}, include_blank: false

    with this it no longer reloads slowly or creates duplicity in the collection