I have an output from web activity in Azure Data Factory which generate a JSON containing SAS token for blob storage. I need to pass this SAS Token as an URL to an other Web Activity after every run, as it will expired after 5 minutes.
output example in JSON:
"value": "{\"BlobId\":\"{<GUID>}\",\"BlobUrl\":\"https://<baseurl_id>.blob.core.windows.net/dmf/<uniqueFileName>?<SAS Token>\"}"
The part that needs to be extracted:
https://<baseurl_id>.blob.core.windows.net/dmf/<uniqueFileName>?<SAS Token>
so far I tried this, by using dynamics content in second web activity:
Could you please support?
Change to
'value' is serialized json, you convert 'value' it to json with the @json function. Then you can access any of the properties easily as .BlobUrl shown above.
Whenever I am not sure how to extract a certain value from an output I use the SetVariable activity for testing, it can be removed once you have it figured it out.