
Obtaining a random value using Groovy JsonSlurper

I'm new to Groovy and trying to understand the best way of approaching this. Apologies for an elementary question.

Given a Json file vehicles.json of:

  "prod": [
      "id": "CAR LARGE",
      "vehicle": "102920",
      "name": "BMW 325"
      "id": "CAR MEDIUM",
      "vehicle": "192039",
      "name": "VOLVO V40"
      "id": "CAR SMALL",
      "vehicle": "29303",
      "name": "SMART 500"
  "preprod": [
   {///entries for this environment...

I want to pick a random Car for a given environment, then extract it's vehicle and name properties into List of 2 for future use (in reality the list is very long)

This method will get a random vehicle number:

    def getVehicle() {
        def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper()
        def envVehiclesList = jsonSlurper.parseText(new File('src/main/resources/data/vehicles.json').text)

        List<String> vehicleList = new ArrayList<>();
        switch (System.getProperty("env")) {
            case "prod":
                vehicleList = (*.vehicle)
            case "preprod":
                vehicleList = (envVehiclesList.preprod*.vehicle)
            case "dev":
                vehicleList = (*.vehicle)
                vehicleList = "18292" as List<String>

        def rand = new Random()
        def randomVehicle = vehicleList.get(rand.nextInt(vehicleList.size()))"Random Base Vehicle: {}", randomVehicle)
        return randomVehicle

This gives me a random vehicle e.g. 192039. I need to be able to extract the name associated with the randomly chosen vehicle and store it in a List or Object so I can extract both for future use e.g. randomVehicle stores both 29303, SMART 500 and I can get by index from a list or use a getter if stored in an Object.

Any suggestions would help my learning. Thank you.


  • def input = """
      "prod": [
          "id": "CAR LARGE",
          "vehicle": "102920",
          "name": "BMW 325"
          "id": "CAR MEDIUM",
          "vehicle": "192039",
          "name": "VOLVO V40"
          "id": "CAR SMALL",
          "vehicle": "29303",
          "name": "SMART 500"
    def jsonSlurper = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper()
    def envVehiclesList = jsonSlurper.parseText(input)
    def env = "prod"
    def vehicleList = []
    switch (env) {
        case "prod":
        vehicleList = (
        case "preprod":
        vehicleList = (envVehiclesList.preprod)
        case "dev":
        vehicleList = (
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown Environment: $env")
    def rand = new Random()
    def randomVehicle = vehicleList.get(rand.nextInt(vehicleList.size()))
    println("Random Base Vehicle: $randomVehicle")

    Just don't select .vehicle, then you have all the data. Try it in the Groovy Web Console