Once I tab to the email's body I want to check the subject.
If equal to a specific text then open a template.
I wrote the part about the template.
The difficult part is using the inspectors to check the subject while writing the mail.
Code in thisOutlookSession
Private Sub subject()
Dim subject As String
Dim item As Outlook.MailItem
Dim inspector As Outlook.inspector
Dim template As Outlook.MailItem
Set inspector = Outlook.ActiveInspector
Set item = inspector.CurrentItem
subject = item.subject
Debug.Print subject
If subject = "test" Then
Set template = Application.CreateItemFromTemplate("C:test\test.oft")
End If
End Sub
Please, try the next way:
: Private WithEvents m_Inspectors As Outlook.Inspectors
Private WithEvents m_Inspector As Outlook.Inspector
Private WithEvents myItem As Outlook.MailItem
event code in ThisOutlookSession
module: Private Sub Application_Startup()
Set m_Inspectors = Application.Inspectors
End Sub
Or copy only the line Set m_Inspectors = Application.Inspectors
inside it, if already used for other purposes.
Private Sub m_Inspectors_NewInspector(ByVal Inspector As Outlook.Inspector)
If TypeOf Inspector.CurrentItem Is Outlook.MailItem Then
'Handle emails only:
Set m_Inspector = Inspector
End If
End Sub
Private Sub m_Inspector_Activate()
If TypeOf m_Inspector.CurrentItem Is MailItem Then
Set myItem = m_Inspector.CurrentItem '!!!
End If
End Sub
event to be triggered when pressing enter after writing the subject (or clicking somewhere else: body, To, CC etc.): Private Sub myItem_PropertyChange(ByVal Name As String)
Const specSubject As String = "mySubject..." 'use here the subject you need to open the template!
Const templFullName As String = "C:test\test.oft"
If Name = "Subject" Then
If myItem.Subject = specSubject Then
'do whatever you need...
myItem.Close False 'probably you want closing the new Email. If not, comment this line...
With Application.CreateItemFromTemplate(templFullName)
End With
End If
End If
End Sub
Now, manually press New Email
button and play with the new mail window Subject