I have an Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) pipeline that I want to monitor with AppDynamics.
The ignition of the ETL is done via a barebone python command without use of a web server. Hence no WSGI / Gunicorn / uvloop. Is it still possible to monitor the pipelines via appDynamics.
I have gone through this supported environment doc but nothing is specified clearly.
Does anyone have similar experience with AppDynamics?
You can use the package appdynamics to report ETL as business action. For more, please refer to this document you'll find detailed examples.
from appdynamics.agent import api as appd
# init agent, you can put args in it
# create a handle
bt_handle = appd.start_bt('ETL work')
# ETL to monitor
except Exception as exc:
appd.end_bt(bt_handle, exc)