
JavaScript Input Field Not Being Recognized

I have a basic word scramble game (not styled yet), that works fine on an HTML page.

When I bring that exact code over to a blogger post it stops working.

I can enter text into the text field but on pressing the "Check Word" button it throws back a "Please enter the word to check" even though I have entered a word to check.

Everything else seems to work correctly on blogger (Refresh button, counter, hint, etc.)

The code is as follows...

      let words = [
            word: "addition",
            hint: "The process of adding numbers"
            word: "meeting",
            hint: "Event in which people come together"
            word: "number",
            hint: "Math symbol used for counting"
            word: "exchange",
            hint: "The act of trading"
    const wordText = document.querySelector(".word"),
    hintText = document.querySelector(".hint span"),
    timeText = document.querySelector(".time b"),
    inputField = document.querySelector("input"),
    refreshBtn = document.querySelector(".refresh-word"),
    checkBtn = document.querySelector(".check-word");
    let correctWord, timer;
    const initTimer = maxTime => {
        timer = setInterval(() => {
            if(maxTime > 0) {
                return timeText.innerText = maxTime;
            alert(`Time off! ${correctWord.toUpperCase()} was the correct word`);
        }, 1000);
    const initGame = () => {
        let randomObj = words[Math.floor(Math.random() * words.length)];
        let wordArray = randomObj.word.split("");
        for (let i = wordArray.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
            let j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
            [wordArray[i], wordArray[j]] = [wordArray[j], wordArray[i]];
        wordText.innerText = wordArray.join("");
        hintText.innerText = randomObj.hint;
        correctWord = randomObj.word.toLowerCase();;
        inputField.value = "";
        inputField.setAttribute("maxlength", correctWord.length);
    const checkWord = () => {
        let userWord = inputField.value.toLowerCase();
        if(!userWord) return alert("Please enter the word to check!");
        if(userWord !== correctWord) return alert(`Oops! ${userWord} is not a correct word`);
        alert(`Congrats! ${correctWord.toUpperCase()} is the correct word`);
    refreshBtn.addEventListener("click", initGame);
    checkBtn.addEventListener("click", checkWord);
<div class="Gamecontainer">
            <h2>Word Scramble</h2>
            <div class="content">
                <p class="word"></p>
                <div class="details">
                    <p class="hint">Hint: <span></span></p>
                    <p class="time">Time Left: <span><b>20</b>s</span></p>
                <input spellcheck="false" type="text" />
                <div class="buttons">
                    <button class="refresh-word">Refresh Word</button>
                    <button class="check-word">Check Word</button>

Any suggestions?


  • This is because you use querySelector("input") which selects first found input element on the page. Blogger post has multiple input elements therefore your code selects a wrong element. Use IDs or classes to better identify your html elements. For example you can narrow the query to your html part by using:

    inputField = document.querySelector(".Gamecontainer input")