Lets say we have 2 azure application configurations (TeamConfig and CommonConfig) and one client application (ClientApp).
Case 1: Can ClientApp use both TeamConfig and CommonConfig at the same time?
Case 2: Can TeamConfig link directly to CommonConfig?
Side note: I have seen the possibility that TeamConfig can import from CommonConfig. But, what I am looking for is a dynamic link and not a import. When CommonConfig is updated it is automatically updated all the way down to the ClientApp.
For case 1, yes.
For case 2, no.
In your application, you can load configuration from multiple App Configuration stores. For example,
configBuilder.AddAzureAppConfiguration("Connection string of CommonConfig");
configBuilder.AddAzureAppConfiguration("Connection string of TeamConfig");
In this sample, what's in TeamConfig will overwrite what's in CommonConfig if there are overlapping keys.