
Svelte removing element not working from list of elements

I want to remove child element from list of elements based on user click, It worked well before adding custom component inside each

{#each list as item}
    <div on:click={(event) => remove(item)}> {item} </div>

After adding child component last element removed instead of clicked element

    import Child from './Child.svelte';

    let name = 'world';
    let list = ["item 1", "item 2", "item 3", "item 4"]
    const remove = (item) => {
    list = list.filter(t => t !== item);
{#each list as item}
<div on:click={(event) => remove(item)}> <Child item={item}/> </div>

Here I have added my child component.

 export let item;
    const a = item.slice(0,6)

<p >{a} </p>


  • In your child component you are slicing the item after that you are using it in your child component.

    export let item;
    const a = item.slice(0,6)

    Svelte needs to find the key to remove the selected element

    Add key in each it will work.

    {#each list as item (item)}
    <div on:click={(event) => remove(item)}> <Child item={item}/> </div>